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Annual Reports of the War Department

Annual Reports of the War Department

United States. War Dept

United States. War Dept. Of prescribing such rules and regulations for the use, administration, and navigation of the navigable waters of the United States as in his judgment the public necessity may require for the protection of life and property ...
Message from the President Relative to Murders Committed by ...

Message from the President Relative to Murders Committed by ...

United States. War Department

Reprint of the 1813 ed. printed by J. R. Lyle, Paris, "The narrative of Mr. Timothy Mallary": p. "Mr. John Davenport's narrative": p. 1. United States--History——War of 1812-—Personal narratives. 2. United States-—History-—War of ...
Catalogue of the Library of the Department of State ... May, ...

Catalogue of the Library of the Department of State ... May, ...

United States. Department of State. Library

United States. Department of State. Library. CHAPTER xviii. . JURISPRUDENCE. 1Aws of THE UNITED STATEs. Gordon's Digest of the Laws of the United States, including an Abstract of the Judicial Dečsions relating to the Constitutional and ...
The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War

The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War

United States. War Department

The atlas that accompanied the United States War Dept's official history of the Civil War contains 821 maps, 106 engravings, and 209 drawings (including detailed uniform and flag illustrations), the majority of the maps drawn during the war ...
The Pension List of 1820: U.S. War Department

The Pension List of 1820: U.S. War Department

United States. War Department

Eleanor M'Intosh Diana Brooks Susanna Flynn Mary Parrott John Shark Hoses Olmstead Albert С Hall Lucy Stephenson Thomas Hall Artena Steeds James D. Bemis Elizabeth Allen Ebenezer Reed Jedediah Smith Guardian of the heirs of ...
Official Register of the United States: Containing a List of ...

Official Register of the United States: Containing a List of ...

United States. Department of the Interior

Containing a List of Officers and Employees in the Civil, Military, and Naval Service ... United States. ... '21 59 47 43 32 9% Ю 6l 10 36 19 64 ю I .ly Ю POST OFFICES- I'i'rgi'ni'a. Hampden .... e Nathan I'. Luck, 3 qrs Frederick A. Ford, 3qrs.
The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America


(D) All other commands will forward the photos to the Chief of Information who will effect coordination with the Office of the Assistant ... existing Department of Defense regulations and Part 701, Subparts A-D, Availability to the public of Department of the Navy Information and Records. ... (d) Navy aerial photography released for sale to the public is transferred to the United States Department of the Interior.
List of Publications of the United States Department of ...

List of Publications of the United States Department of ...

United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Information

W. Schoening, Benjamin Schwartz, Ward T. Huffman, and Louis L. Madsen. p. 117–137. 1942. Protective oanisms against disease. Adolph Eichhorn, Merritt P. Sarles, and N. R. Ellis. Pp. 138–154. 1942. The endocrine glands in health and ...
The reluctant sheriff: the United States after the Cold War

The reluctant sheriff: the United States after the Cold War

Richard Haass

It is the first book to provide a comprehensive understanding of the post-Cold War world and a compass to help the United States navigate it.Richard Haass proposes that the United States adopt a new foreign policy—"regulation"—and work ...
Annual Report of the Department of the Interior

Annual Report of the Department of the Interior

United States. Dept. of the Interior

United States. Dept. of the Interior. stitute a sweeping and significant victory for a minority people against the claims of a dominant majority, and are evidence of the sacred- ness with which the United States upholds its obligations toward the ...
Unintended Consequences: The United States at War

Unintended Consequences: The United States at War

Kenneth J. Hagan

In this timely, groundbreaking study, the authors examine ten major wars fought by the United States, from the Revolutionary War to the ongoing Iraq War, and analyze the conflicts’ unintended consequences.
The Department of Commerce

The Department of Commerce

Jan Goldberg

Discusses the job of, and levels in, the United States Department of Commerce, why it was developed, how it works, and who were and are the key figures in the department.
Energy research program of the U.S. Department of the Interior

Energy research program of the U.S. Department of the Interior

United States. Dept. of the Interior

Dept. of the Interior, United States. Dept. of the Interior. Office of Research and Development. which range in age from Paleozoic to Tertiary, occur in the United States, and to different degrees each is the potential site of uranium ore deposits.
The United States Department of Agriculture: Its Structure ...

The United States Department of Agriculture: Its Structure ...

Arthur Percy Chew

LIBRARY The library of the Department is scientific, technical, economic, and statistical in character. It furnishes the books, periodicals, newspapers, and other publications needed for consultation in carrying on the work of the Department.
Report of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army

Report of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army


I will further say that the United States Engineer Department has been fully advised of the action of this office. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J H. Simpson, Colonel of Engineers. His Excellency John L. Beverid
Propaganda and myth in time of war: comprising: The war myth ...

Propaganda and myth in time of war: comprising: The war myth ...

Charles Hunter Hamlin

comprising: The war myth in United States history and Educators present arms; the use of the schools and colleges as agents of war propaganda, 1914-1918 Charles Hunter Hamlin. in Time of War comprising The War Myth in United States  ...
Official Register of the United States: Containing a List of ...

Official Register of the United States: Containing a List of ...

United States. Department of the Interior

__ __ LorenzoCurry..__ 82.66 _ R. Schmberger. . . '7. 79 Shell Cit . _ . . .. . . . S. L Yoder _ _ . _ _ . _ 89.18 _ EYounger ..... _. 150.35 Shell La e _____ __ B RRichmond ___.. 28. 71 _ N.Magneeon _ Sherburne ..._.._ EJ. Cnlkins .... .. 611.27 J. R. ...
The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, ...

The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, ...


These volumes were originally published in 2004. The close association between the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany was a key element in the international order of the Cold War era.
United States Code, 2000 Edition, Supplement 3, January 2, ...

United States Code, 2000 Edition, Supplement 3, January 2, ...

United States

The personnel management system established by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under ... the United States committed in the presence of the officer, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if ...
Agricultural research service program plan

Agricultural research service program plan

United States. Agricultural Research Service

United States. Agricultural Research Service. The Agricultural Research Service ( ARS) is the Department's principal intramural research agency. It has long- standing working relationships with the other research agencies in the Department, ...
Hydraulic Research in the United States 1970: Including ...

Hydraulic Research in the United States 1970: Including ...


Including Contributions from Canadian Laboratories Gershon Kulin, Pauline H. Gurewitz. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Maurice H. Stans, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Lewis M. Branscomb, Director  ...
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

United States. Department of State

... which he offered to show me, he felt sure that when some months ago the Costa Rican minister, Mr. Montufar, was in Europe he came to a secret understanding with Mr. Lefevre, of Franco-Lefevre canal-contract notoriety, (see my dispatches ...


United States. Dept. of Agriculture

D. C. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Of/aGRICULTURE Sampling and Measuring Methods for Determining Fineness and Uniformity in Wool By Elroy M. Pohle, associate animal fiber technologist, L. N. Hazel, assistant animal husbandman, ...

who called from an unknown number?